domingo, 11 de abril de 2010

Becoming free

What is mean to be a national independence party for United States, now is also for me, as I have made a plan to stop working and have a year to myself beginning next July 4th. In the meantime I survive every remaining day at my enoying work by looking at this post-it a friend of mine told me to place.

martes, 2 de marzo de 2010

Happy face, sad face

Left by a friend in my freezer.

by Luar Petterson, Monterrey

sábado, 27 de febrero de 2010

The post-it mini wall

"This post-it mini wall was part of someone's design project. it's next to the classrooms so in between classes everybody would write something.
Love declarations, biological needs, frustrations, movie lines (a few "300"-spartany ones). It keeps getting filled with everything, from random words, questions to funny comments or even philosophical statements. People keep writing, and keep reading, it seems everybody wants to participate, everybody has something to say."

Yuiza Martinez, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Of job and clothe

Stolen from "1001 rules for my unborn son".